Sunday, 30 January 2011

Round the Bend

This blog will now remain stable. There will be no more changes to confuse my two readers, it will now remain as you see it today. No more endlessly typing in a search bar with such mundane terms such as ‘dippy’ ‘geeky’ ‘mysterious’ I have found myself at last! The header above depicts many things about me and my life. The road stretched out in front encouraging you to continue on just to see what lies around the corner, the trees at either side, casting such wonderful patterns over the road and displaying a mired of colours. It’s all there.

Where does the road lead? What lies beyond the bend? Life is a road we all travel along, with many crossroads where decisions have to be made as we go. Which way, left or right, straight on or turn around and go back? But we cannot turn around. We cannot go back. Did we take the right road back there when we decided to go left? Should we have gone right instead? Where will the road take us? Will it ever end? Or will we be forever journeying along it, never reaching our destination?

Life is a road that we all must journey along. The turnings we make as we travel that road may be right, they may be wrong. During my journey along life’s road, I have made many wrong turnings. Turned right when I should have turned left. Gone straight ahead when I should have turned right. But the road I now travel is the one I must take, for I cannot turn back. I wonder what lies round the bend?


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  1. I like it, not that it matters. It's perfect for the "Starship Technogran." You will lead us where no one has gone before, since every journey is unique.

  2. Thanks Penny, glad you like it.

    Dave, I do hope I can continue to lead and of course you are right, everyone's journey is down a unique road that only they will travel.

  3. Oh yeahhhh, this is YOU for sure! It's divine, TG :D

  4. Love the winding road ahead...full steam! Not knowing till we git there is exciting! Hang'in my head out the window holler'in "YeeHaw!"

  5. Know that you won't be journeying alone.;)

  6. What a great header! I salute your decision!

  7. Lovely header which speaks volumes and fits you like a glove!!!

  8. Both literally and in other ways Diane! I'm only annoyed that I didn't think to search for 'round the bend' before yesterday, would have saved me an awful lot of time!

  9. This is so very true of most peoples live TG you are far from alone, there is only one thing to do and that is carry on down your road and see where it leads

  10. Stride on! It is a joy to follow!

  11. It makes all the difference in the World whether we turn left or right. Lovely header you to a T TG..XX

  12. Hi, TG, it's now Feb. 5th, almost the 6th, and I'm dropping by to let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping you're on the mend.
    Big hug from across the pond~~

  13. Hi TG hope all is going well for you and your on the road to recovery. Miss your amusing adventures. hugs Sheila.

  14. In 8 hours, my time, it will be Feb. 14th, so I thought I'd run by and wish you and K a Happy Valentine's Day and hope you are doing well on the mend. Looking forward to seeing you blog again and hoping you're jotting down all sorts of things that come to mind while you are recuperating. Take care and hope to see you soon :)

  15. ☆☆ Well, I just thought that I would come over here from your wordpress page since I couldn't find you there. Apparently, I can't find you here either. Here's hoping that you are keeping well and that we will see an update from you and soon. Take care of you and yours. ☆☆

  16. Came on by TG but see you haven't been blogging, is everything OK with you

  17. Thank you all, have been in hospital for a major operation. Now recovering at home. Missed my blogging but hopefully I am now feeling more up to it.


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