Monday 21 May 2012

Beauty all around us.


These are just a few pictures I snapped yesterday as we walked down to town to do our shopping. I have to confess that I much prefer wild flowers to the garden variety, not sure why, and bluebells are amongst my favourites. Beautiful bluebells


Bluebells up close.

These bluebells were all growing in the grounds of what used to be an old peoples home, where one of my Aunties was residing.  Now its just a forgotten and unloved site. The building itself has been demolished and since then, the grounds have become populated with wild flowers such as these bluebells and wild onions.  People keep taking the coping stones from the wall so eventually I suppose there will be nothing left of that either.

There are residents there though, a squirrel dashing up the tree trunk as I ventured down the drive to take these pictures. He watched me from a safe vantage point high above.Wild onions and bluebells

It fills me with the satisfying knowledge that if we humans suddenly disappeared from earth, that our wonderful planet would simply dust itself off, brush itself down and restore itself to its former gorgeous wild state that it was before we came along.



  1. Lovely pictures TG , you are right what you say . Your Blog is looking different softer and the photo's are well placed.
    Sheila xx

  2. Blue Bells are one of my absolute favorite too! We also have some wild flowers called Shooting Stars that I love to see. We live in the fourth largest state here in America and the nice thing is it is one of the least populated thus giving us the best of both worlds: civilized and untouched wilderness. Love the pictures today!

  3. Your post has such a dreamy and relaxing atmosphere...

    I saw a squirrel last Sunday and it was after such a long time... But the squirrel was shy and as soon as it noticed me (or more probably as soon as it heard our children talking aloud), it turned its back on me and disappeared round the corner. It was a nice moment though.


What do you think?