Wednesday, 26 January 2011

A Mystery Tour



On Monday we were taken on a tour. A tour around a building I have never ever set foot in before but where I will soon be residing for a whole week. Modern and only completed a few years ago, it towers above you like some huge ships funnel. It is a very busy building, well used with lot’s of people entering and leaving via its various exits and not only via the ground floor.  A lovely lady by the name of Penny was our tour guide for the day. She was dressed in a fetching blue outfit, and was all smiles as she showed us around the very attractive surroundings.

There are single bedrooms complete with en suite bathrooms and which contain fully adjustable electric beds that allow you to adjust them to many different positions for your comfort and some of the bedrooms are for sharing.  It’s all so luxurious. The corridors are all painted in an attractive off white which is liberally  broken up by lot’s of paintings hanging on the walls.  Where the residents sit down to eat, there is a full length window which reaches from floor to ceiling and offers a breathtaking view of the busy and bustling city.  I took notice that all of the staff, also clad in blue, seemed friendly and eager to please any of the current residents as we toured around admiring the sleek modern lines and clean pristine look.

We were both very impressed, so much so that I am quite looking forward to my own temporary residency there next week. It will be a new adventure, a new experience and certainly one worth blogging about on my return.



  1. So was this a hospital? It looks unusual for one.I liked looking through your blog, you guessed the cranberry quiz and they posted your site.I wasn't sure what area you were in. I saw Halifax and thought Virginia or Nova Scotia.

  2. I can't say that I've ever even heard of a place like that!

  3. Best wishes for a pleasant stay and a speedy recovery!

  4. Out on the prairie, its Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK. I thought it was cranberry! Yippee!

    Joe, didn't it sound like somewhere to stay for a short while? ;)

    Ludwig, Thank you Ludwig, you are most kind.

  5. Technogran, hope your (hospital?) stay and recovery are both speedy, although this does look like a nice place to stay in and from your description it's almost like being in a hotal, except not quite the same. and YES you got the cranberry sauce (homemade) correct - THANKS!

  6. Best of luck hope your stay lives up to expectations

  7. Thank you Beatrice,you are most kind.
    Diane, so do I!

  8. Sounds very grand TG hope all goes well for you and a speedy recovery. Take care Sheila

  9. Thank you Sheila I will try my damnedest!

  10. Holy smoke, TG, I'm coming to keep you company! ...of course I'll have to "stay there", too ;)

  11. Thanks JennyD but I am not sure that the proprietors would let you do that. Would be nice though, I'd have someone to talk to


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