Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Tropicana twist

Opening a new box of Tropicana orange juice this morning I had to resort  to using pliers to turn the top round. What is the matter with these people? They want you to purchase their products then make it impossible to get into them! Damn modern packaging!

Opening the Tropicana

TG  Steaming mad (rant over)


  1. I presume that the tops are put on by a machine and it obviously 'over-tightens' them on occasions, or that's what I have surmised when ita occupied to me before. I nearly did myself a mischief before resorting to getting the pliers out!

  2. I have had to take containers back to the store from which they came and I have gone to the Service desk and said "YOU open it!" I love to see the struggle.

    (I did not log out of the cat's blog..sorry)

  3. Might resort to doing that next time!

  4. YES TG, the tops are put on by machine...and as you say sometimes they over tighten,
    What gets me is packets and things that are heat sealed there is no way you can get into them you have to use scissors
    Hope you are both well

  5. Or alternatively a hacksaw as I once did.

  6. What's even harder to open are glass jars that have a rubberized metal top, especially some of the bottled tomato sauce jars. One slip and you can make a big mess or hurt yourself!

  7. I once ended up with stitches in my finger when opening a tin of corned beef with those silly keys. Here is a useful tip if you have work done on the wheels of your car insist that the wheel nuts are tightened by hand if they put them on with the hydraulic spanner and you have a puncture you will never be able to get the wheel off.

  8. Yes Beatrice, I wonder how many injuries in hospitals these days are caused by people trying to get into packaging?

    Diane, I think that Tropicana must be using hydraulic spanners to tighten the tops of their orange juice boxes!

  9. Goodness! I can't say I've had that trouble before though my dad takes personal pleasure in closing things with a vice-like grip that nobody but him can seem to break.

  10. Is he a 'top tightener' for Tropicana by any chance?

  11. We used to call that a gorilla grip lid because that's what it took to get it open. Don't get me started on my battles with the pharmacy about them putting a child proof lid on the bottle containing the prescription for the arthritis in my hands!

  12. Haha! Hello Technogran! Just wanted to pay a return visit to your blog, after you kindly followed me on mine. Really impressed with the techie side of you - may need to follow a few of your tips! :) Thank you!

  13. Haha! Hello Technogran! Just wanted to pay a return visit to your blog, after you kindly followed me on mine. Really impressed with the techie side of you - may need to follow a few of your tips! :) Thank you!

  14. Thank you for the comment and I do hope you find my how-to's and tips useful

  15. I have a big rubber pad I need to use if my hubby is not home. Sometimes I can open a water bottle.


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