Sunday, 13 March 2011

A brief moment in time. On the mend.

It’s all been a brief moment in my lifetime. A chapter in my life that had to be experienced whether enjoyable or not. Have I been just unlucky? In six months time will I look back on it as an experience I just simply had to endure? Will it make me stronger as a person? I still have the chemo sessions to go through of course, another new experience for me.

My legs need sorting out at the moment, they are swollen and painful, especially the right one, and so are stopping me from being as mobile as I would like to be. I have obviously acquired Lymphedema as a result of some twenty lymph nodes being removed from the groin area. My right leg won’t bend at the knee or the thigh, so I can’t bend down to put socks on etc. But its all a challenge. A battle to be won. You have to fight it. I am exercising them, keeping them moving, trying to help; the waste products that are usually circulating around my legs via my lymph nodes to drain away and continue to be discarded.

I still feel three sheets to the wind brain wise. I can’t seem to get my head around things, but its probably because my sleep pattern is now kaput. I am going to bed at ten, waking up at 01.00am for a toilet break, going back to sleep until 04.00am where I then wake up and can’t go back to sleep, so I usually get up. I then spend any time I am sat down nodding off, which is strange as normally I never ‘nod off’ whilst sat up in a chair.

K is now needed only for assistance with putting socks on and shoes, some helpful feet and lower leg massage and cups of tea making duties. She has been rewarded for her dedicated nursing duties with a new ‘shark bite’ t-shirt and also a new CD of 100 hits of something or other. She deserves more of course, a medal would not go amiss, as she has had the patience of Juab all the way through nursing me back to health. I have told everyone about her and how I couldn’t have managed without her, everyone who would listen. Would any other daughter have done as much?

Can it get any bigger?

So to end this journal of my brief moment in time (wonder if I will ever see any of my ward companions again?) I am including a photo of K in her new t-shirt.

Take Care! TG

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  1. You have been so brave, through all your suffering, TG and I hope you are beginning to see the light at the end of your tunnel.
    K looks splendid in her new T shirt; she certainly deserves it.
    Take care and good luck with the chemo.

  2. Thanks Penny. I am definately on the mend and have just been for a very enjoyable walk.

  3. TG I can see that you have the right attitude and now that the surgeons have done their bit the healing part is down to you. Keep up the good work even though it is really difficult and hang on to that wonderful nurse!!!!

  4. I will do Diane! (Though this t-shirt actually scares me!) By the way, her little nephew (aged four) is also getting the same t-shirt. He wanted one when he saw K's. Can imagine all the other kids reactions if he wears it at nursery! LOL

  5. I just got caught up with your hospital stay. Whew!Glad you came through it all ok. K is an angel and looks terrific in her new shirt!Hopefully you can get a few bubble baths in at home. Good to hear your getting out for walks. Don't overtax yourself.

  6. I'm trying to get back doing some walking but its not easy with huge swollen legs to carry around! It's a catch 22 situation, they are painful but are helped by you keeping them moving to help distribute the fluid,sit down or after sleeping, I can hardly put them to the floor! CT scan today on my tum to see just what fluid or whatever is underneath my scar, then I will be having that drained or going on the anti-biotics again to clear that up so that might help my legs to get rid of their waste products. (I hope!) Doc came yesterday and prescribed me some water tablets to help.

  7. Thanks for the continuing updates. I can well imagine how much you miss being able to get around easily and hopefully will be able to get back to your regular walking routine shortly. Thanks for posting the photo of K in her new t-shirt which does seem a bit scary looking. She was certainly most deserving of her rewards.

  8. Im no knowing you have or had cancer. So sorry to hear this. I would have done this for my Mom for certain. Stay positive and sounds like you are .
    Cancer is everyplace and no one is exempt to it.


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