Saturday, 19 March 2011

Is it here at last?

Been out stretching my swollen legs today. A slow walk down to the park accompanied by K which rewarded us with some wonderful sights of crocus’s and daffodils all vying with each other for a glimpse of some welcome spring sunshine. It was a very enjoyable walk, not too cold, and did me the world of good especially to breath in that gorgeous fresh Spring air,  though I was absolutely beggared when we landed home! Enjoy the arrival at last of Spring everyone because  I am!




  1. It's only about 47 here right now with no sign of flowers that I've seen so far but I can still feel it in the air and see the change of the days getting longer. I'm ready for it to break the fifties now but then I'm impatient about it right now. Delightful pictures my friend, I'm glad you got to go out and enjoy it!

  2. Super set of spring photos, TG. Good to see you are getting out and about. I hope your legs are improving. Take care. Pen.

  3. Nice day today here too, although not really all that warm. But I hope Spring is on the way!

  4. Sob. Please send some spring my way. I'm sick of winter. I haven't seen the ground since November. Boo hoo. Hope your legs feel better soon.

  5. A delightful glimpse of Spring! It was probably a bit warmer here in Georgia, but our flowers are not much ahead of yours. I also spent the day taking pictures, transferring from the camera at the moment. Hope some of mine are as nice as yours.

  6. The first signs of spring really raise the spirits after the long cold winter. We too had a gloriously sunny day definitely to be enjoyed even if it does mean you are very tired afterwards. Keep up the good work....

  7. Thanks all of you for your comments. It was about 10 or 11 degrees Celcius yesterday, but there was no wind at all. Winter always seems to just go on and on and on, so seeing the daffs (which are one of my favourite flowers) beginning to bud is a most welcome sight!
    As many of my readers will be aware, I hate the winter!

  8. Good to see you out and about go easy. Spring is indeed in air , it's a smashing day here/..Take care TG

  9. Yes it was a lovely day yesterday, too good to waste!

  10. Just saw the feed for this post in Live Messenger. Awesome! Zooming, changing little slide show. Beautiful!

  11. Yes, it's really clever how they managed to get those features into Live Messenger Ludwig isn't it? Glad you enjoyed it!

  12. Good for you, Technogran, to get out and enjoy a nice day. Sorry to hear that the legs(s) are still a bit troublesome, and hope that given more time you will have less pain. The daffodils have finally started blooming in our yard - all volunteers too!

  13. I never hide the fact that I hate the winter months Beatrice, so the sight of those daffodils and crocus's was a truly welcome sight!

  14. I loved your slide how. Leave it to you to figure this one out. I didnt know we could do that. Nice and glad you got out.
    We have feet of snow here in my part of Canada. Its chilly with a wind. Its gray and the sun is gone. Please send the sun never mind spring.
    Keep getting out . Loved your view.


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