Thursday, 24 March 2011

Better than any tonic!

It’s amazing isn’t it? Battling through the last few weeks, struggling with my body seeming to pack in, throw a strop and have a complete post op breakdown, I have to confess to feeling rather down and low of late. However, today my spirits are lifted and not only by the glorious sunshine and warm temperatures we have been enjoying of late! What has brought about this magical transformation? Well, the answer to that question can be found below in photo form!


Better than any tonic!

Tucking in.

A visit to the hairdressers of course!


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  1. Glad to hear your spirits are lifted my friend. I do see in the background some 'spirits' being served ;-)
    Big hugs to you!

  2. I didn't have any though! Not with the old kidneys acting up! Thanks for the comment Toodie

  3. I know how you feel . I havent seen the sun in days. I need to read back a few blogs and get caught up. Glad your doing well.
    If you see too much Spring .. Send me a little, just a little.
    Love your banner. Very Nice.

  4. Hiya TG. I think it is great that after all you have been through, you are still remaining cheerful and positive. The hairdos look great but your smiles say it all.

  5. I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better, we have a real cool down that doesn't look to break until Monday unfortunately. I'm really ready for spring to act like it's here! Blessing to you.

  6. So Happy for you. Like I said earlier you and Kay look wonderful. We had sun yesterday, but gone today, hopefully it will return soon. You take care and know that I think of you often. Hugs

  7. Pen is so right. I have gone back though your blogs to find out what kind of cancer and how long you had it.
    I missed it or its not here.

  8. Haven't been on the internet for a couple months now. So just making my rounds catching up with some very special people. As you have been the glue that has held so many of us together, I was sadden to read you have been going thru such a trying time. But glad to hear a bit of spring and a trip to the hairdresser has raised your spirits again. Know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon. Hugs Carrie

  9. A word of encouragement don't forget that you have been attacked with a knife! just because the knife wielder was skilled doesn't make the attack any different for the body. As we get older all the body processes slow down which includes healing so relax enjoy the good bits and your body will come round in its own good time. In the mean time treat yourself well and try to enjoy the lovely spring weather. Lots of nice pictures of spring flowers please!!!!!

  10. Hi TG good to see you out and about and love the new hair do. Enjoy your weekend Hugs Sheila.

  11. Thanks Dave. Mine had become such a mess, that it did really make a difference. I was also about to enjoy a Chicken Caesar salad as well!

  12. Technogran, isn't it amazing what a haircut and nice day can do to life one's spirits? In fact, my own were lifted just reading that you had an enjoyable day. COntinued good wishes for feeling better. Hope the chicken caesar salad was good too.

  13. Yes Beatrice, hence the title of this post. It really uplifted me and my spirits.

  14. Yes thanks Diane,just a bit down at the moment with my leg stopping me from being as active as I would wish to be.


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