Tuesday, 5 April 2011

My big fat leg.

Which leg is the fat one?

It weighs a ton weight. It’s stopping me from exercising. It’s twice the size of the other one. It refuses to bend at the knee. I can’t tie my shoes. I can’t lift it high enough to put my trousers on. I can’t put my socks on. It’s driving me insane. Go a short walk and I’m beggared and no wonder. It weighs a ton.

I have actually lost weight everywhere else. Without my huge leg I would probably be down to 9 stone but my leg weighs about two ton. Whilst the hospital and I argue over what exactly is wrong with my leg, I am getting no exercises and no stocking to wear and so no treatment. Tomorrow I have yet another scan to endure  to see if there is a blood clot causing the swollen leg.  I am beginning to loose count of all of the scans I have had. I must have laid under every type of scanner there is by now. The hospital must have pictures of every single organ, vein, and internal supply of my body you can think of. Well, apart from my brain and I don’t really blame them for missing that part out.  There would be very little to see.

It’s worse first thing after being laid down. K and I discussed whether I could go to sleep with my leg propped up against the wall.  We both decided that what I really needed was one of those hoists above the bed that hospitals use to keep your leg straight after a breakage when its in plaster. I could lay down and K would have to adjust the pulley to raise my leg into the air. I just hope that tomorrow I get some answers and therefore some treatment to bring my big fat leg back down to size.


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  1. I am still in the cat's account but this is Ramblinon. I SO hate that you are going through all of this. I hoped with the surgery some time ago you would be well on the mend. Now there is the swollen leg to contend with. It must be hard to bear.
    I hope they come up with a course of treatment quickly!

  2. I so hope they find the cause. Maybe a blockage somewhere in the loin area. Know that we are all thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.. Hugs Carrie

  3. Good Lord! I wander off for a while and get behind on my blog reading and come back to find you're laid up as well!

    Listen hear young lady; I'm in charge of keeping the medical professionals in business around here so you'll just have to get that leg sorted out and get back to exploring the UK and posting narratives of your adventures for the rest of us.

  4. Not much fun at all for someone who used to enjoy being out and about. Hope you get some answers as to the cause of the swollen leg, TG.

  5. Let's hope the medical people get their act together and sort out some treatment. In the mean time have you thought of putting some old telephone directories or a couple of bricks under the foot of the bed to raise it up a bit. Mike suffers with swollen ankles so that is what I have done for him - he feels it helps a bit.

  6. I hope they find the cause and give you relief soon! Please take care.

  7. Thanks all of you for your comments. Yes its terrible when you love walking as I do.
    I have been pushing myself to wslk, but its really hard as its so tiring because the leg weighs so much.
    I also want to get back to exercise class and I can't.

  8. I hope this gets taken care of soon :)

  9. Here to loosing half a leg...thats sounds bad but you know what I mean.

    Feel better soon!

  10. Thanks to both of you and yes, I know exactly what you mean!

  11. Oh TG hope you get the treament you need and this is sorted out very quickly. After all you have been through you have this rather large swollen leg. Thinking of you and hopefully you will get sorted soon. XSheilax

  12. Thank you Catches the Eye, I hope I get it sorted as well.

  13. I'm very sorry for all of this my friend. I know that there's seldom anything worse than an obvious problem without an obvious solution. I pray that something can be found that will bring you some much needed relief. Infirmity is nothing good at all. I pray that health comes your way quickly.


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